
Showing posts from September, 2008

Completely by accident

I created one of the creepiest decorations I have made. I am sooooo happy :) Presenting EVIL Pooh I was working on him and thought.....he needs some black eyes painted on him. Since, he is a toddler doll that only had stitched eyes that disappeared in the creation process. So I blobbed some paint where the eyes should be and on the right eye the paint rand down like black tears!!! Something out of a nightmare huh? Too bad it is not my prop. I made it for someone else. :( Hope she likes it, cause if she don't, it's mine.

Someone at the cookie factory

has a sense of humor! Look at the evil face on this pumpkin cookie!!!! Yum!!!

What's in a name

A name like Bucky . We are working with Portland Center Stage on a fundrasier at the Graveyard to raise money for Promising Playwrights. And that fund raiser happens to be on the opening night of R. Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE play, which for short, they call "Bucky". Which is confusing for us Halloween folks because the full size plastic skeleton that the haunt industry uses is named "Bucky" also. So for us, whenever someone says "Bucky" we think skeleton. An opening night dinner full of skeletons. Sounds kinda creepy, right up my alley!

I would have never

named a cat Dorie. _____________ Driving home....... Must be from Finding Nemo I thought. Not that I didn't find Finding Nemo funny, but Dorie ? And her brother is Mason . I don't think there was a Mason in Finding Nemo. But honestly, who would name a cat " Dorie "? Must have been a five year old. I hope it was a five year old. But would a five year old name a cat Mason ? A five year old that also watched Dead Like Me ? I doubt it. I am looking at this small petrified gray kitten in the cage......Dorie? Doorie. Dorrrie, nope, this is not going to work. ______________________________________ How does one come to acquire a cat named Dorie? Well, it is a sad start to the story, I had a cat named Maddie. ~Wait, Maddie is pretty normal, where did she come from.~ For the record, I wanted to name her Mothra . (Go Godzilla !) But I lost the vote. So Maddie was at the vet everyday for about 6 weeks. My house husband took her in and had to sit next to a cage with two very cute...

For the curious

I did, in fact get three new pairs of shoes this weekend. (Actually only two usable ones, the third is for my Halloween costume.) And, I (we, day job and I) did in fact get a few shiny acyclic awards the other day. They are in my bosses office - the awards, not the shoes. :)

All the cool, scary stuff happens

in October. That is good, I love October. Except, I am so busy that I don't often get to go to any cool events because I am doing something for our display. "Really", you say. Yeah, last year we went to see Bruce Campbell at Live Wire. My phone rang about 30 minutes into it. I ignored it. Jeff's rang 5 minutes later. I listen to the frantic message - it sounded as if the end of the world had come; one of the props quit working. 10 minutes later the fog machine quit working. 15 minutes - the power went out. Then, the whole city of Portland showed up and asked why stuff was not working...... I would have enjoyed Bruce more if I had not spent the whole time thinking that I have to leave the minute he is done. We went home and got most (yeah, I threw a fit about that, not one of my better moments) of the props working. Jeff and I were not talking to each other at that point. :) By the next day everything was triple-checked and sure not to fail. And husband was this clos...

I am not a

cold hearted b@tch . more animals Isn't this the sweetest thing you have ever seen? Yes it is!!! The correct answer my friends is "yes it is." He/she feels so bad he/she is giving his/her CHEEZBURGER to his/her obviously related picture mate. I mean, this is as nice as the Frog Queen is going to get!!! What more do you want!!!! Oh, am I being pushy again? No, I am sweet and nice, look at the picture again. Didn't you feel all warm and fuzzy????? :) I love LOL cats!!!! :) Still :)

Now that I think about it

It wasn't my fault! Dorie made me shut her brother in the drawer. It was the morning that our housekeeper comes and I had to go downstairs to get something and saw a small pile (about three pairs) of my shoes sitting in the music/potions room. So I thought, I should put these away, not make Jeff have to do everything for me. (I know, it was early, I was not awake yet.) I grab them, walk by the bathroom, see another pair, grab them. Walk through the living room, see two more pairs, grab them. Tromp up the stairs, arms filled with shoes, open the shoe drawer with my foot and dump them in. It was early, I was just putting them "away" not putting them away in a pair, color coordinated, and by heel size - which is do a few times a year. :) After I do that I think.....There are some more shoes in the bedroom, I will grab them on the way out and throw them in here too. Be a nice wifey for a change, husband will be so (surprised) happy with me :) I go back in the bedroom, finish ...

I believe someone was channeling

Darren from "Slings & Arrows" at Artist Repertory Theater. To be fair, I love theater and have seen some great plays and ART - just not last night To their defense it was the first night of previews.....maybe they will have this all worked out by opening night - I believe anything is possible. :) Eurydice was .... bizarre . What where they thinking?!?!?!? I believe they decided against an intermission, because the theater would be empty if they gave anyone the chance for escape! It was the biggest technical nightmare I have ever seen in a theater, ever. (And this particular theater has a few to choose from.) Stretchy strings that people have to attach to themselves and sometimes to other strings. Square boxes (some with water) that have to be moved around the stage that the actors walk on. Paper cutouts that pop through paper walls. Projected, mimed and acted scenes (all at the same time.) A lighted space ship type thingy, that had a purpose I am sure, but I couldn...

With a kiss

I pass the key. Not bad! - Holy crap! - I can't believe you did that! Those are the comments from our friends this weekend on my first attempt at " sculpting " (The real artists out there are laughing their asses off!!! Sculpting , is that what you call it?) Well, as sculpting as you can with a male wig head, some dry wall mud, Metro gray paint, a bit of wire. a box from the vinyl gloves I was using, masking tape and the Sunday Oregonian business and sports section. I sculpted a "bust" Not bad, but it was supposed to look like Houdini. Not even close.....that is why there is going to be a plaque underneath it that has his name and death date. (He died on Halloween you know?) Maybe by version four, that seems to be about the number of times I have to remake a prop before it doesn't make me cringe :)

Much better

New masthead = happy red head girl! Thanks Julie!!! Check out her other fine work....she has the best letterhead I have ever seen :) The Design Ranch

The Spirit Cabinet

WANT! WANT! WANT! I have the perfect wall for it - across from my Red Shoes subway poster - this is the only thing fabulous enough to be in the same room. I really, really want this poster. :) And I can have it too if I want it in 8 sheets that set up to be 160 x 80 - The available wall is about half that size. So in this day and age of "finding anything" I cannot find this poster any smaller! No where - not a one. Proof once again that the universe is out to get me. Since I don' have 160 x 80 wall space free, I am going to have to remodel. Maybe I could have it laminated to the kitchen floor........

A frog on a pumpkin

Finally, my scary (not in a good way) fisheye frog image in my masthead is going away - because the very talented Julie Hill drew me a cool frong on a pumpkin!!! I just need to incorporte it into the masthead. Just in time for Halloween. Yeah - I have the best friends!!!

'Don't Care' the musical

I was working hard the other day at writing my first musical. Surprised, not as much as I. ----------------------------------- You see the other day while I was talking to someone and they were really boring, and then they...kept on being boring. My brain shut the door and posted a sign "I am not talking to this person." But, what .....wait, I just can't walk out in the middle of the conversation!!! What do I do? "I don't care" said the voice in my head. Literally, I heard it, I had to look at the person I was talking to and gauge whether I had said that out loud or not. Hum, still talking....must have been just in my head. Good. The person I was talking to grabbed a file and starting talking about something else. "don't care, don't care, don't care...." repeated the voice in my head. But maybe I should care, I mean "I don't care, don't care, don't care, don't care......." But I think this might be important......


I borrowed that from the other Chris. It is the perfect word to describe finding out that Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog soundtrack is available on iTunes . Yep, it is on my iPod , making the work day bearable (well, that might be a stretch, that is a pretty tall order for any thing short of. . . . . . . well, anything actually :) Glee!


I have a weakness for pumpkins and pumpkin flavored/scented things! So, it 'tis the season of happiness for the red headed girl. I was at Starbucks and they had pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins!!! If I drank coffee I am sure I would love the pumpkin latte, it sure smells yummy! When I was shopping this weekend (truly a happening) I found a Pumpkin Pie candle from Colonial Candle - I got the jumbo size :) And a pumpkin diffuser for the times when I am not burning a candle. I got a pumpkin cake air freshener for the car. How cool is that! It is the Northwest, so there are probably at least a dozen microbrews that are pumpkin flavored! Unfortunately I feel the same way about beer as I do about coffee. :) I wonder what it would take to get Lush to start making pumpkin bubble bars? Off to find more pumpkin stuff!!!!