
Showing posts from July, 2014

Well that is what it is

We got our phone call today about the Halloween Fright Fight.  We are not on the show - at least they were nice enough to call us.  Very cool, everyone we talked to at ABC was great and positive and really supportive.  I know that they made great choices. So looking forward to seeing the G reat Halloween Fright Figh t in October! Now, back to prop building!

So if the power goes out at the Graveyard

We head out of the house and to the cool patio (bottle of wine in tow), light up the skulls and call it a nice evening....... At about 2:00 am the power came on,  good thing...I am out of candles.  Gotta order some for the season.

Yes, I do have skull seeds

Just in case anyone wanted to know....and I am not sharing....well, if you asks real nice :D This is actually just lazy gardening on my part.  If you have no plants for the party at your house....put a skull in it, no one will notice....they are at your house....they will think it is normal :)

Here he is sanding his a**

I could not come up with a better title than this of this picture one of the crew took.  This is Daniel working on the new body, wait actually the back end,  for the spider.....yes, we know the old one looked kinda weird.  It was based on a real spider....but not a very common one.  This next version will be scarily recognizable :) Going for the creepier look this next time.

Okay, there is a use for Barbie dolls after all

This is so cool I might just have to give it a try. How to turn Barbies into Doctor Who Weeping Angels

How cool is that

So, the other day we where having a tombstone workshop at the house....and a neighbor was also having an estate sale. We have limited parking in our area at best. The crew was awesome and went out and secured a bit of parking for our students using our stations we use for the display to provide a walk way for the visitors. But before we could move them for student parking, most everyone found other parking. Being nice neighbors, we moved the stations we placed for the student parking, so that the garage sale shoppers had places to park. I am trying to erase from memory the guy that was being an....not nice person as we were taking them down....:( But what happened later - made me smile. A police officer from Milwaukie came up our driveway to ask which cars where ours. ..because he was going to issue parking tickets, but did not want to give them to our group..... NICE is that!!! LOVE our Milwaukie police department....we did before this....but this just is ...