
So as a Halloween blog I have to say that sometimes I have felt my inspiration corralled. On that note, in order to get back to blogging, I will say that not all of my work will be about Halloween. Gonna talk about what moves me. May start a whole new blog.....not sure about the future today. That is because recently I have taken a journey into my past. Halloween was still part of it then, but this is not that story. Husband and I were married in the early 80's. Husband, who started out as a theater arts major, quickly changed his course of study to computer science, because he was good at it....and it would make more money and more 'normal' hours. After floating around for a few years, we ended up back in my old stomping grounds of Southern California. He worked at a computer sales store that did some custom programming on the side. We would spend our nights and weekends with friends playing the Infocom games our Kayp...