
Showing posts from November, 2011

I know that I am dreafully

late to the party on this one and many of you might have seen this.....but husband and I have been on a huge Stephen Fry kick (watching Qi and Kingdom and Stephen Fry in America ) - we adore him. There are very few famous people I would love to meet.....he is one of them....not that I would have anything that interesting to say.....except, how are you always so f**king brilliant and nice to everyone?  :D anyway....back to my latest discovery on the season three disk of Qi - sorry, this show is only available in the UK - so it is PAL format....get a universal code DVD player.....we love our Pioneer unit, you can watch the Terry Pratchett movies.....months before the US versions.  That alone is worth the $40 So on the extras of the latest and looks like last version of Qi to be availabe on disk I found this.....I ROFL....a lot!!! Why am I sharing.....Peter Cushing reference of course!!!

Bless you.....

or what ever....I think I need these for the new office.


My new home office is done! Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

It is a fact

this is the best wedding cake....ever! see more Wedinator

As you all know

Hal owns the place I just love the pictures of "Halloween Cat" that other people take. It is almost like looking at Hal from a mythological sense....they come into the yard looking for the leader....and seem to capture him in all his glory.  This is a picture from our friend Bryan Dorr. Trust me, .....the yard is his......if you do not do things the way he wants.....he is outta here!! There are other worthy houses in the neighborhood....make no mistake! :D

Margarita anyone?

Thanks to my sister for this cool gift. She is thoughtful. She got me the one with spider webs for eyes :) Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

I think the guys just wanted

an excuse to rent a scissor lift.....that is how I got the abbey built. That said.....the next prop I come up with must involved a back hoe and I am sure to get what I want!  Every time we drive by the place and the backhoe is out front.....husband has to mention how he has always wanted one - he is just a kid at heart - that is why I adore him!  :D Here are some pictures from set up day......which typical for the NW - it rained.....and rained.....thanks to our friend and helper Bryan Dor r for the great photos! Big thanks to Johnson Creek Rentals (literally two blocks from the house) for giving us a great rate on the rental....once they found out who we were, they were happy to discount the cost of the rental!  

I still like ours better

a couple of years ago...husband and I talked about TOT's (trick or treaters) for the yard....since we are both big Charlie Brown fans. So we created this last year and his sister this year although this is cool, and easier to mass produce and ship......and is that not a fantastic railing in the background!!! I do so love my TOTs and look forward to completing the collection,,,,,this is defiantly a Frog Queen folly....thanks to everyone for playing along! :D

I made a new rule

no design decisions for decorating my house/graveyard after 2 am. Point being that while I was dry brushing gold paint on the walls of my office (late one night/early one morning) I thought...... ......blood splatters would be cooler. Yeah, just get a paint brush and splatter red paint on my gray and black walls........ Then I thought......that would not match the gold color in my new chandelier.......but if I got blood on the chandelier........then that would.... .....I could hear my husband (who is sane and was in bed at that time) screaming in my head "What the he....." He would be saying that because he would hope that he was just dreaming and that chalk outline on the floor was just me being clever and not there because I actually.......or he ...... :D So I resisted the urge to head out to the shop and grab the red paint. Red....yes, to the crew I know that is a huge surprise......yes...... the Davis Graveyard shop there is more than black ...

There is a ghost

in my chandeler! This lovely ghost has a brother and a sister....courtesy of the immensely talented William Bezek!   If you have not seen his work...head there can thank me later. I am remodeling my home office.....I am almost done and should be back soon! Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Not sure if anyone actually used it

but I did put a QR code on my Halloween flyer this year (need to go check my stats)    Just something new to play with

It's official

I now have my web address permanently attached to my back window....a little crooked....going to have to get another one made...but this will do for now.

I think the crates

were almost as cool as the tombstones. We joked that we should have charged extra....cause I know LP used these in the haunt somewhere :D We even "signed"/stamped the if they want more they know who to call! Special thanks to Matt Rinker for carving out the logo stencil for the crates by hand!!

Davis Graveyard at the Mansion

yes, "the Mansion" - the Playboy Mansion. (no...not the "Haunted Mansion" if that would have happened, I would have mentioned that a lot sooner!!) Yep, at the very last minute....and I do mean way past the last friend LP called me saying something about heading over to decorate for the PB Mansion and asked if we could do the tombstones. For years we have looked at the videos and said..... really, those suck I mean we could do better. We got our bluff called, time to put our money where our mouth was. So about a week before Halloween me and a group of crazy I mean best friends helped me pull off the 7 days we made 36 tombstones and crated them and shipped them to California...... for very, very little money......but hey, it is all for charity right!? Very special thanks to: Matt Rinker Lisa Rinker Dawn Reid Elyssa Thelin Roman Moreno ....and most importantly...husband, who designed, built, packed and shipped th...

Happy Anniversary

Image is to 28 more fun and creepy Halloween filled years together! :) Love you more than the Halloween decorations :D

Holy crap hand me my credit card!!

I have this thing about rings that stick up off my fingers. This makes husband really happy as that there is no impressing me with fancy multi-carat diamond rings or anything like that....flat band only rings for me all the way. I was sure of that....until I saw this! WANT! Even if it just stays in the box forever :D Etsy is going to be the death of me!!!