
Showing posts from December, 2014


People always ask me what we do for Christmas.  Since we are out of storage space....we had to come up with something flat and easy to store. And husband and I are big Calvin and Hobbes fans. Merry Christmas my Halloween friends from the Davis Graveyard.

I was enjoying the book

As a bed silly human....cats don't read. You will pay for disturbing my slumber!

You can still get one for Christmas

I have full and half skulls in stock right now .  Since they have to ship by priority mail. They will get their before Christmas if you order this week.......cause it is cheaper to send a box of concrete priority mail than regular mail....truth. Get them before they are gone cause you know that this is the perfect gift for your Halloween friends!

We are taking over the town

At least in October.  Husband is the chair of the Milwaukie Art's Committee ARTmob.  So he had them make some tombstones a few years back.  Every October we (I) get out there and put them in front of City Hall. Inspired by Pumpkinrot's scarecrow contest submission years back, we also decided to have ARTmob do an annual scarecrow contest.  Each year the various groups, neighborhood associations, and residents create scarecrow which we display in the city hall graveyard.  They pick the winners a few days before Halloween. Had some great submissions this year and it is always a fun event....and no, Davis Graveyard does not submit...we think that would be kinda unfair :D  But we did make these two that hold up the ARTmob sign.

We are going to do some catching up

It is always hard to blog in October because I am just so busy, and this last year was brutal. So, we are going to make Halloween in December.  I took lots of pictures this year and have several fun stories to tell, looking forward to catching up. We will start with helping to decorate our favorite coffee shop/bakery - Painted Lady.  Not only is Jill one of the coolest people that you will ever meet, she also makes the BEST deserts. So when she asked for help with her place for October, we said yes of course. She wanted crows, so we made these for around the shop and all the tables.  Some of the crows were on pumpkins, some were on skulls. We also put crow silhouettes all over the shop, I believe she still has some in the shop still. (sorry about the fuzzy picture.) But my favorite thing, was just something I thought of at the last minute.  I took one of the large skulls that Sandie Schneider gave me at West Coast Haunters Convention this year, painte...

The logo at the top has to go

I do not want to get into the details, but one of the reason I avoid my blog is the logo.  Like I said, long story, but I will just say that every time I see it, it reminds me of someone that I really would rather forget. I am not an artist, that is why I had someone draw that for me.  So I am looking for some help on a new logo for the blog. Same name and it has to have a frog on a pumpkin, I would like it to be something that I can have printed on t-shirts. Anyone got some spare creativity that they can share with me.  I will offer up a concrete skull and a t shirt (when I have them made) to the one that I fancy the most.

I feel very loved today

Over the last few days I have gotten not just one, but two, count them.....two presents from my Halloween friends. I mentioned a while back that I ran out of the maple syrup that Chris Ainsworth at Thornhill gave me a while back and that I needed some more.  I was kidding.....but he apparently was not.  He sent me a new bottle. How awesome is that.....and it is squash season, so that will go to good use.  Thanks my friend. And I also got a really cool Christmas card and goodies from Juli Riedel! Haunters are the BEST people.