Sometimes you never know where a path will take you
About 12 years ago we went to our first HAuNTcon. This was way before we were involved as much as we are now :) It was 2006 and we took lots of classes, learned so much and met so many people that are now our haunt family. One of those people is Mike Krausert (Tattoo, then with Bad Boys Scenic Design). We took their foam texturing class and ran with it. That year we made two major (at least for us at the time) projects The first was our new mausoleum. Our first large foam facade was made possible by the skills we learned in that class. This facade is long gone, we were sad to see it go. But we went on to build the abbey. Now this facade is sold and will be on its way to Oklahoma next week. Stay with me, I have a point. :) When we put it for sale I got a message from Mike asking why we d...