all about HAuNTcon at this point....the only way I am going to be able to fit blogging in is to talk about HAuNTcon here too: Since I am working on the program, I am gonna share. Look who is coming to HAuNTcon.... LESLEY BANNATYNE Lesley Bannatyne is a freelance journalist and author, with five books on Halloween. Halloween, An American Holiday, an American History, A Halloween How-To, A Halloween Reader, Witches Night Before Halloween, and 2011’s Halloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America’s Fright Night). She has shared her knowledge of Halloween on television specials for Nickelodeon and the History Channel (“The Haunted History of Halloween” and “The True Story of Halloween”), and with the likes of Time Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal. She has also given talks at venues as diverse as the 2000 Halloween Convergence in New Orleans and the St. Louis Art Museum. She contributed the Halloween article to World Book Encyclopedia. With the help of many compatriot...