
Showing posts from January, 2012

I have the best friends

Our good friends Linda & David brought us this cool pin from the Hard Rock Cafe in San Francisco during Halloween.....since they know that we are tethered to the house and cannot go collect this cool stuff on our own. I know, we have the coolest friends!! Anyone know if any of the other Hard Rocks did any cool pins for Halloween?

If you noticed

the internet was running kinda slow......that was because it had run out of batteries. But not to worry, husband replaced them today and everything seems back to I must return it to Big Ben, where it gets the best reception :D Anyone wanna hop a ride with me to London? I apologize to anyone that has NOT seen the "IT Crowd" don't know what you are missing.....go right now, I will wait and stream it on can thank me later :D

Zombie best friends


The battle of the Tuxes

The Davis Graveyard household is comprised of more cats than humans. Two Tuxes - Hal and Mason.....and one gray and white cat called Dor (Dorie) - who for the record, normally the lead trouble maker in the house....but tonight it appears her brother was tired of her hogging the limelight. Mason and Dor are brother and sister....although you would never know it.....she is really small and he is a really, really large cat....twice her size and about 1/3 bigger than Hal (Halloween). He is basically a small, domesticated panther cleverly disguised in a tuxedo. The Davis Graveyard cat politics are endlessly amusing to husband and I.....after we have had a bottle of wine...... ....without "medication" it is just a lot of yelling at what ever feline is causing the trouble.....which, as I mentioned,  is usually Dor.... Where was I......Oh, yeah,... I was getting my pumpkins in order. Now, being the Halloween person that I am you woul...

Yes, I a such a sucker for a Bruce

Campbell reference. I have to get this sign for the bathroom in the shop. :)

Been looking for socks

because I have an old house and it is freezing upstairs where the bedroom is.....I joke it is like camping......and you all know how I feel about camping :( So I found these.....yes, this will do the trick  Zombie socks!! ....I mean they will do the trick for you.....they have brains on them.....which are pink and I feel the same way about pink as I do about camping. :) The search continues.....

I need a new neighbor

one of my favorite neighbors has to move in with her kids, so she is selling her house. She has been one of the most tolerant of all the madness and late nights that we have here at the Graveyard - we have been very lucky. So I am hoping to get an equally good neighbor, or better yet.....a fellow Halloween crazy. If you live next door imagine all the fun we can have??? Trust me, you can walk right through your new yard into cats do it all the time.....and it will be a lot easier for me to just call you when Mason gets out and you can tell me if he is in your yard rather than me crawling through the laurel (usually infested with spiders - shudder, shows how much I love my cats!) Here is a picture and a link to the listing . For you garden people she has an immaculate yard both in back and front, she has been featured on our garden tour in the past. This house, like ours, has an outdoor fireplace in the back, great for fall is the house ...

Typical Sunday night at the Davis Graveyard

We spent Sunday afternoon and evening filming video for a promotion video for West Coast Haunters Convention (you are all coming right?) at the hotel where the convention will be held this year!  (Yes, we finally extracted it from the school gym!!!) Here are some great pictures courtesy of the attendees Looking forward to seeing the final video....husband is down in his lab as we speak working on the edits!

Do you think I can convince

husband to let me carve the Davis Graveyard logo into one of the blinds in my office :D That would be so cool..... ....but I do have destructive cats..... ,,,,,but I can buy a replacement and cut another one...... ,,,,but that would cost money...... ....I bet if I buy them in bulk, I could get a great discount...... That my friends was a small looking into the insane logic in the Frog Queen's head....sorry for that :)

If it does not snow and shut the whole thing down

we will be filming the promo video for West Coast Haunters Convention tomorrow night at the hotel. Of course that is unless the weather people are correct and we are going to get snow - which is pretty rare in Portland. Does anyone know a anti-snow dance :D We are going to start filming at the Double Tree Hotel in Portland tomorrow around 8pm (probably film the first group shot around 9pm).  If you are in the area and want to be an extra, we are looking for people that can dress up in costume and show up at the hotel....kinda a flash mob thing :) We want to get the group shots done by 9:00-9:30 - so it should only take an hour or so. If you plan on coming for the filming, follow frogonpumpkin on twitter and will post update on how the schedule is going....if we have to cancel - I will let you know as soon as I can. Don't be expecting anything as fancy as the HAuNTcon promo.....we are doing a different take since we do not have any footage from last year - ...

At least they will be used to seeing

people dressed up as zombies! It is official the tickets for HAuNTcon 2012 are now on sale.  Woohoo! This year it is in Monroeville PA - the same town and near the same mall where Dawn of the Dead was filmed. Check out this cool link the the Monroeville Zombie Museum ....I guarantee you we will be visiting while we are there!! Since the location is in the same town I am sure that there have been many "zombie" groups visiting....we are going to feel right at home. Any, I also believe that we have the whole hotel reserved for the more complaints from the other guest about the ghouls and monsters wandering the hallways at all hours of the night :) Here is the latest promo video that was made by the talented people at Haunt Ventures that did all the fantastic filming at HAuNTcon last year. You might notice a few Davis Graveyard props featured. (from about 2:31 on)  Most of this was filmed during our Monday class - which looks like fun but...

So I thought I was being so brave

after.....I don't know, about 10 or more spiders crawling on me through take down ...... I thought I was making progress on my phobia. I had managed to pick up countless items and put them away, only to find that were spiders on them after the fact.....and you should be proud of me....many I spotted in the process and soldiered along. I was moving along at a pace where I truly was planning on giving myself a full commendation .......I was on the road to recover. Then......the spider of doom entered my life. As with all spiders it seems smaller and much less scary from a distance.. Let me explain.....our panels for most props are a wood frame with foam glued on that we texture to look like what ever foam surface we choose......not only do the 1x2 work to make the frames.....when completed with foam attached offer good hand holds to grab so that you do not damage the foam. Pretty close to perfect. Yep....... Except if you are me. Most...

Been catching up on my

Qi episodes.....they did a Halloween special....not the best episode they ever filmed.....I could just be saying that because there is a big spider behind Stephen's head :D

One can never have too many ghosts

This just made me smile! Very, very cool pen ......

What happened to the Frog Queen?

for someone who blogged a LOT. Sorry - I had friends that commented that they could not keep up with me. Well....that is not the case as of late. Life changed for husband and I in mid-December - we both found ourselves unemployed. Not to worry....yet, we planned for a rainy day or months....and it looks like something is brewing for husband, so from here it looks like we will be okay.....for now.  At least I am not panicking yet! With all this free time, you would think I would blog more....but actually, I have been away from the computer a lot, working on projects outside and around the house. And to be honest.....although I have a lot of Halloween related stuff going on, I have just not been in the mood to blog. But I do miss all of you and reading your I think the tide is changing. Now that we have a location for West Coast Haunters Convention, things on that front are moving ahead....but with this convention unlike HAuNTcon, we are more...

This about sums up my life

Husband and I were cycling through videos and pictures of the yard to get our 2011 video done.  While we were shifting through what seemed like a thousand pictures....I saw this one.  By the looks of it it was probably right after HAuNTcon as we were getting ready to ship last years video awards out. I know this should really be a folly post.....but I had to share. It was all about the abbey, the awards, planning the yard (you see that goes everywhere with stores all the secrets and crazy ideas) and of course.....there has to be cat in the photo. :) Back to the many projects I have been working on.......

A little light reading

very cool book I got at a christmas party.......who knew that zombies could write so well :D

But this is my favorite place

Dorie trying to convince me not to take down the Christmas tree.......... I am scared....she looks angry and she is sharp on five sides!!!

I think it is time

to put the Christmas decorations away.....the glitter skull award seems a bit chilly and pretty happy with his Santa hat....maybe I should listen to the cats and turn the heat up in the house :D


I put a necklace of Christmas lights around the hand of my small skeleton monk.....he seems to be very distracted by the shinny :D Husband told me I had need to sell all my Frog Queen Follies (and I did, thanks to all of you that bought them!!) ......but I kept this one.....I might make more....maybe.....if you ask real nice.  But this guy is staying with me..... I know it is way after Christmas......I am very behind.....I am running, try to keep up!