Unlikely soundtrack

I enjoy music and each year has a soundtrack for me. But 2008 had a overwhelming and quite unique twist.

I would say I listed to the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible, 10 to 1 of anything else I played this year. Especially during the Halloween prop building season. Quite silly actually.

We even had a sing along at our Halloween party. The best group costume went to the "Bad Horse" crew. Three cowboys, walking around with a door frame so that they could hold it up and peer their heads in "frame" similar to what happens on the screen. It was brilliant. And of course, they brought Bad Horse himself who left clever calling cards with all the guests.

So no surprise when the DVD version came out just in time for Christmas. Made shopping for my friends (and white elephant gifts) just that much easier. :)

We watched the commentary (musical version of course) at our New Year's eve party. I have to say it is almost as brilliant as the original score.

To top it off, for Christmas my brilliant King friends got me the perfect present.

The Dr. Horrible "I just need to rule it" T-shirt. Not only is it a great line from the musical, it is also my general philosophy in life.


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