What? Has it been like a week

since I posted an LOLcat?  Too long!

I cannot resist the zombie ones.....especially this one with a cute orange tabby.  ahhhhhhhhh....


  1. Ever notice that the supposed "LOL CATS LANGUAGE" is actually very similar to the American Negro dialect as written by Mark Twain and other authors of that genre?

  2. Really? Nope, was not paying attention....I just thought is was silly internet people trying to get attention. :)


  3. Interesting point Mr. Bezek. I'm going to watch that. Cute kitteh Frog Queen!

  4. It reminds me of Herriman's 'Krazy Kat' dialect far more than anything else. LOLKatz, I guess!

  5. regardless of dialect, these little zombie-fearing cats are priceless!

  6. I just thought it was suppossed to be that cats are lousy at spelling (being, you know, animals that have never been to school and all). It certainly has never made me think of American Negro dialect of the time period of Twain.

  7. Kitties + zombies=GOOD!
    P.S. William Bezeck's commengt is spot ON!

  8. The LOLCats language looks like my sister in law's typing: insane and illiterate.

    The difference is that I LIKE LOLCats.

  9. Zombies and cats, your two favorite things finally combined!


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