Since I cannot eat a whole wedding cake by myself (well, I probably could.....depending on the day.) I thought I would see if I could find a smaller creepy single serving cake to have for lunch...since it seems I have suddenly fell into the cake vortex! I think this would be perfect - and I love the thought of me eating a cake shaped like a bird and I am vegetarian.....okay, maybe that only amuses me. Since we have a Halloweenish themed blog here, I would probably use this champange glass, just to keep the mood.... But really, I have been wanting a set of these glasses for a if no one was looking....I would actually use these. Are those not deeevine! Maybe I could epoxy a skull on the side.....yeah, I could do that! Since I cannot find a "red" champange or a chamapange maker that has a cool name I would make a drink I read about ages ago that mixes good champange and port. Two things I love.....I imgine it will be heaven. So, who want...