They are either crazy

or psychic or just realistic about the odds- either way, I want to go to the wedding that has this cake!  I think the blood is just perfect, some people just get carried away with the gore.....this is a masterpiece.

I bet there was a prenup! :D  

Or this is the best divorce party cake ever!


  1. I love the indents on each layer where he hit, lol. I would definitely go to this wedding, or divorce- either way it would be interesting!

  2. D'you think the groom should be worried? *evil bwahahaha!*

  3. Good stuff! I'm betting that he failed to get a prenup and she's getting it all.

    Dear hubby would say that this shows what it's really like to be married - dangerous and bloody!

  4. When I saw the photo on my dashboard I was thinking fantastic Divorce party cake.

  5. Hahahahaha!! Perfect divorce cake. At a wedding, it might scare off the groom. <:O

  6. I dunno...depends...if the groom is a Halloween forum member! He'd prolly like it!

  7. Lol - this is awesome! Only marry someone with as sick a sense of humour as you!

  8. I agree - I hope it is a wedding cake, cause that is awesome. I posted it because I knew us haunters would appreciate it!

    I am lucky to have a great husband that would LOVE that as a wedding cake.



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