Now I gotta ruin it

Here are the latest renderings of the abbey design from my still favorite minion Andy :D

I have a set of printed out plans that I am going to "ruin" - draw on the abbey where I want bits to have fallen away (or if this was reality - taken away to build another building in the area - usually a manor house) so that we can design the panels.  Since our existing church is all flat panels, the sheets were easy to frame.

Panels that look like ruins are going to require us to make some very interesting frames for the foam.  This is going to slow the process down - so we better get started!!


  1. This is really cool. Is this going to be a new structure (as in an additional one) or are you changing what you had in previous years. Also, what program were these drawn in?

  2. Midnyte Reader - New structure. We are going to get rid of the old chruch facade and build this in its place.

    I am not sure of the program(magic) that was used the minion in question did not say. Good question, I will ask and report back.


  3. Question answered - He is using Autodesk Inventor....very talented freind/minion.


  4. This is going to be so awesome! I wish I had an Andy minion and your energy.


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