Been too long without an LOLcat

See....I even put LOLcat in the title so that all the LOLcat haters can skip this post. See I can be nice when I really try!

Speaking of black on earth did I miss that there is an animated version of "The Price" in the works.

Really?!?  That is my FAVORITE Neil Gaiman story.

If you have never read it or have never heard Neil tell the tale himself.  Check it out on Last FM.

Looking forward to it.


  1. Urgh, I just clicked through and I forgot how much that story gets to me. . .

  2. I am so moved by that story! Thought it was just the PMS kickin' in. Thanks for sharing such a magnificent story! I will be on the look out for the animated version.

  3. I love the lolcats you choose!

  4. A different take on the LOL rapture ->

  5. Without the LOL Cats, the internet would grind to a halt....
    I love them...and this is a good LOL Cat representation.

    Great work!

  6. Andrew - agreed. I do think the Internet would come to a grinding halt without the kitties! :D



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