I find this an insult

to my rather well publicized archonophobia.

This commercial is ridiculous!

I fear spiders, admittedly more than most, and I would never mistake a picture on a phone on a table in the middle of the day for a real spider. (and a tarantula at that....not common in most areas....why would there be one on a table in a fancy restaurant?)

And if I would not freak out, and trust me I hate those little buggers, then I think the girl in the commercials reaction warrants special medical treatment or a course of medication.

And the guy wacking the spider?  Really, you would take your shoe off in a resturant to kill a spider.  You too, sir, are just being stupid.  Told husband if he ever did this I would leave him standing the restaurant and take a cab home.

I gusess I should be happy.... their reaction makes me look sane.  Okay, so sane is probably not the right word....I just had to type it here because that is the only time that me and "sane" will be used in the same sentence.

Truth of the matter it is just a poorly written/directed piece of ad work.

It is just lame.

BTW - I do for a fact, know that, this in fact, is a commerial and these are not real people.  The real person that needs a talking to is the non-acrhonophobe that made this commerial.  It was uncreative and simplistic - how did you get into marketing in the first place?  And I am guessing that you did not test market the ad (to save money) or you did and your cousin owns the test market firm and loves all your work....especially the business you send his/her way.)

Listen, if you are going to use a spider in a commercial,  that make it a small creepy spider that is crawling acrros the screen, at a quick glance I might mistake that for a real spider.  Maybe...if I did not have my glasses on and I had had a few glasses of wine....maybe.

Fail to Samsung - I will likely never buy one of your phones.


  1. I agree, I saw this the other day and thought it was the stupidest commercial ever. No sane person would react that way. It's a phone people.

  2. Hah! EXACTLY what I said! We JUST saw this yesterday and I turned to Vonnetta and said "Honey, I love you, but if you EVER react like ANY of those people to ANY creepy crawly on a table in a restaurant, I will leave you right then and there."
    Just a stupid ad.

  3. Ok, so does that mean that you will get mad at me when I say that you were the first person I thought of when I saw it?? Even if I *DO* agree that its a stupid commercial?!? :D

  4. Sorry to say, but I love this commercial. The over the top absurdity made me laugh... and I'm a fellow arachnaphobic.

  5. At the back of my mind, this commercial kinda struck me as stupid, but no more so than most of the commercials these days. With a lot of them the ad seems to imply that the product or service makes you stupid or act like an idiot. Some of the ads have me wondering why would I ever want that after seeing their ad???

    Sometimes I think those making the ads are on drugs and not very good ones at that!!

    The secret word: comended. Maybe they can work that into an ad.

  6. Screaming at the top of your lungs and beating the crap out of a 2-dimensional spider? Do NOT give these people firearms.

  7. I must admit I found the ad a bit funny. But I agree, it is completely stupid and, of course, it won't bring me to buy that particular phone.

  8. Awe, come on now....It's JUST a commercial...the point they are selling is that it has a really good display with clear images. It is absolutley absurd, but no more so than any other over-the-top commercial that advertises a product thru humor. I personally love this ad and laugh ever time I see it.

  9. LOL! You guys are great!

    I am off my soap box now :D

    I do understand completely that I am not the demographic they were going for.

    And I do agree that over-the-top can be funny....for some reason this just did not work with me.

    Back to prop building!!

  10. When the aliens come down and make me King I already have a minion selected for the role of Minister of Public Beatings. Part of their job duties is the punishment of people who write horribly stupid commercials.

    I have a list. This shall go on it, my fellow lover of the NPH.

  11. MortisSanguine - us NPH fans have to stick together.


  12. LOL! (Laughing at you and your last line espeically, NOT at you!) You tell 'em, Frog Queen!


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