I just do not

have the time right now to do more research on abandoned amusement parks....you have to look at a LOT of photo galleries to find those :) (That is why you have had this trip down memory lane....just limping along through my busy season at work.)

Anyway, since I was digging out old pictures...I found the ones I took over 20 years ago of the amusement park down the street from my house....don't get all excited, they call it an amusement park, and there has been one there for over 100 years, but it is more like a parking lot carnival without the scary carnies :D

Anyway, here is the the Haunted Castle facade, the ride has been redone to be the Lewis and Clark Adventure (local history lesson) and I hear is quite interesting to behold. I am going to have to check it out.

This area of the park has been torn down and is replaced with rides. From this facade looks like they had a fun house, there was no way to see inside....trust me I tried. But I do just LOVE the detail and lines on this old building.


  1. It is so nice that you have photos of the old buildings, even though they weren't in use any longer. The amusement park that was here when I was growing up, has been completely torn down, and now there are a couple of generations that only know it by post cards and photographs. The sad part is that this is a heavy tourist destination, and if it were still open, they would be doing a booming business.
    You had your thinking cap on to capture some of your memories while you could!

  2. Ah, thanks...I could tell my the disrepair of this part of the park that it was not long for this world. Definately had to grab it while I could.


  3. I love this; I'm so smitten with old amusement parks.

  4. I remember seeing this old "Laughing Gallery" fun house at the amusement park when I was a kid. I felt sad that it was boarded up and in such disrepair (& I really liked the cool/scary face above the entry archway). This web page shows a photo of it in its heyday: http://www.history.pdx.edu/oaks/rides.htm (click on the image to view a larger version).


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