This story did not end up
the way I predicted. During the two weeks that we were working on the Extreme Home Makeover project a package came in the mail from ShellHawk. It said something on it about a "cute cuddly spider" or something like that. I know Shell, she is very cool, and funny and talented and beautiful....but the reason that I like her best is her evil sense of humor....likes attract in this case. Anyway, I had visions of all kinds of terribleness lying wait for me in that box. It sat of at least a week, cause I was not going to open it home alone. Actually, I was just plain not going to open it. I will admit it. I was afraid. Not proud of it...but it is true. They call it a phobia for a reason :D Back one night we (husband and I and the cats......cause in the whole three stories of the house, with many comfy places to sleep....the cats have to be where ever you are don't they) are sitting in the office answering emails when husband picks up the ...