Well, we have packed up

the shop, as much as will fit in the truck and car and we are on our way to Salem early tomorrow.

The blog will be pretty silent for a few days....I wish I could post, but I am told that Ed is not allowed to see the haunt while it is being worked on.  It is supposed to be a surprise on Monday, so I cannot post any pictures on my blog, Facebook or twitter.....but I will be posting as much as I can.

I will be back on Monday with cool pictures and hopefully great stories.  Everyone have a great weekend working on your own haunts!!!



  1. Have fun! Can't wait for photos! :)

  2. Chris have fun and don't worry about us minions... we will all be here glued for when you get back.... waiting with anticipation, on the edge of our seats, some might even fall asleep at the keyboard waiting...

    forget about that... we will be fine. ENJOY the experience.

  3. Have fun! Can't wait to see the pics! We'll mind the shop while you're away and keep an eye on those spiders! :0)

  4. Travel safe! Best of luck! And have a great time :)

  5. I am glad you are helping out. Need an autograph from Ty. LOL

  6. Have lots of fun!!! Good luck and I think it's such a great thing you are all doing!! We'll be here when you get back!

    *waves as they drive away...*

    Turns to the fellow spider minions "psssst are they gone?? is the coast clear?"

    OK so here's my idea. I sew quilts and I want to sew a wall hanging for the Davis's to commemorate Spiderfest 2010. And I'll make a similar one to auction off on eBay and donate the money to this chairty they are helping out!!

    What do you fellow folks think? I want to have all the fabrics have a spider print of somekind. I have a quilt block pattern for a spiderweb and some fabrics already.

    If you know of anywhere I can buy spider fabric online let me know. Or if you have ideas questions etc just shout.

    You can email me at ***frothie51 (at) gmail DOT com***

    But remember it's a surprise!!

  7. Hope you have a great & FUN trip!

    SpOOky CK >:-)

  8. I's following your adventures via Twitter. See you back here.

  9. frothie51 - what a wonderful idea. I know a couple of the crew are quilt makers and might be able to help out.

    What a great idea!



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