Want to know just

how sick I was last week?  Twice the crew had to come in and wake me up from napping on the couch to show me how a project was going.....very sad.

But Dorie was happy, my kitty loves napping with me. :)

Anyway, one of the projects is the re-engineering of the coachman.  Nothing anyone will notice, but we swapped out the head* and moved all the electronics out of his chest and below the seat.  This will make him easier to take down at night and less top heavy.

While I was napping the crew got the final touches working and he looks like he might actually work most of the season.....fingers crossed. 

And maybe, if husband reads this post, he will be nice enough to supply us with pictures of his and Dan's handwork.....oh and while you are at it be sure to ask him about the new outdoor project that he loves so much.  It is very cool, trust me, you want to hear about that too!!!

*bonus points to anyone that caught that "swapping out the heads" reference from Red Dwarf :D  I am a very silly frog queen!


  1. I'm sorry your feeling so terrible. Nothing worse than being sick when there is a ton to do.

  2. So many of us have been taken down by a flu virus this last week. Sorry to read you're also afflicted.

    Sleep. Nap. Let the kitty snuggles heal you.

  3. That Coachman's glowing eyes is giving me the willies!

  4. *ahem* . . . ARE giving me the willies. Fear is no excuse for bad grammar.

  5. That's the same way I did my coach man, all in the seat to keep the electrical dry. My motor that turns his head broke during the move and I can't find another to replace it, I may have tear apart the fan now that summer is over!

  6. That coach man is such a lovely shade of blue, a blue light is supposed to help heal...so if you were to sit with him a while and stare into those sweet little eyes of his and of course chicken soup wouldn't hurt any either. Hope you feel better real soon!

  7. Perfectly creepy coachman!

    Hope you feel better soon. More soup and naps!

  8. Bad timing with the illness! Hope you feel better soon :)

  9. Yeah, I am not feeling well either. I hope you start feeling better. I also hope I start feeling better. LOL.

    And if you were really good, you could just sneak over to your hubbies props and take pictures and post them here. I would..LOL

  10. I hope you're feeling better....
    But the project sounds like it'll be great!

    I love the coachman.


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