In retrospect

I wish I had fallen off the planet like everyone thought I did :D

But I did not....I was keeping a secret.  But as of Sunday evening, it is no longer a secret, so I can break my silence and let you know what the Graveyard crew has been up to for this holiday weekend.....and almost every waking moment since then.

See it started with at phone call over a week ago.....our friend Mike aka Tattoo from Bad Boys Scenic Design that have haunts all over the states, calls us and asks us a favor.

Would we help him with a project in Oregon?

"Sure, what do you need my friend?"

"Well, I am working on a project for Extreme Home Makeover for their Halloween edition, and I could really use your help in creating some rooms."

Now, if the Frog Queen and husband would have had any idea what "Extreme Home Makeover" was, we would have been really excited and, then promptly said "we love you Tattoo, you know we do, but no". :D

But since Tattoo is our friend and he said that we are working on the Oregon School of the Deaf's Nightmare Factory haunted house in Salem (about 45 minutes away) we said "sure".

What started as just creating a 140 foot long brick hallway has gotten horribly....horribly out of control.

We used to have a life....but it's gone least for a week or so :D

More details to come, I gotta go make myself a martini. :)


  1. As the rare person in my family who has good hearing, I think it's great you did that.
    Thank you.

  2. Absolutely. We love Ed and had a great time down visiting the kids when he put on the West Coast Haunters Convention. This could not have happened to a nicer guy and group of people. We really are honored....and a bit tired :D


  3. Sounds like your handiwork will be on TV this fall?

  4. Love what the show does for families. A neighbor was on the list to be called to volunteer had no idea what it was for though!

  5. That's exciting! I'll watch for it on Tv. But I have no idea whether we get that show or not . . . :/

  6. Wow. You guys are truly awesome.

  7. I can't say enough how wonderful this is that you would do this for them. I wish I could do things like this. :)

  8. I'm positively green with envy right now girl.

  9. "Congratulations", what an exciting project to be working on. Can't wait to see your finished work and watch the show when it airs.

    Home Haunter are a special breed!

  10. I can't wait to see the show.

  11. WOW!!! Congratulations! It is so GREAT that you'll be involved in something so special!! We'll be looking forward to seeing the show!

  12. That's awesome! I know one channel that plays that show weekly in my region but they are shows of previous years. So I will have to wait a bit to see it on my TV... But maybe I could see it from the Internet :-)

  13. I can't even imagine the work involved with this. Hopefully they've given you a handsome budget so you can have some real fun and totally let loose on the project. My goodness, what an undertaking.

    Thank goodness it happened during your slow time of the year lol ;)

    Looking forward to seeing the end results!

  14. Very cool! I can imagine those students are beside themselves with excitement! So nice of you to help, and I know the Factory will be looking good.

  15. That's great! Can't wait to see it!

  16. That is so very cool Chris! If you get to know when the show will air, please give us a heads up so we can check it out! Congrats and no one can haunt the halls better that you guys! :o)


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