My only excuse for this post

is that it is my blog, and I like cats. 

I like dogs too.  But I only have cats at the moment...and they have me under this spell like cats do.  And I work for a boring company, about as boring as it gets, so I LOVE when I see a company/business/agency that has a sense of humor.

Only a cat has the attitude to get on a rail car without a ticket or pass and only in Ireland would said cat be issued a rail card . Awesome, the person that thought to use twitter to locate the owner and give the cat his own rail pass, that person deserves a raise! 

Sometime I make myself laugh (and as Craig Ferguson says) that is half the battle.

Thank you and now back to prop building :D


  1. Reason? Cats don't need no stinkin' reason! Any time is a good time to post something about cats.

  2. what a great blog entry! love cats and this really made me chuckle (as did the craig ferguson quote)

  3. No excuses required! Cats are cool enough to be posted any time. Love the rail pass!

  4. Any blog with cats is worth looking at twice. You need no reason for cats.

  5. Great story! But now, my faithful cat Lucky wants his own pass :/

  6. Cats are the best. And I absolutely loved this story when I first heard it. Right now, Sam is cleaning the carpets though, so when I asked him to come look at another cat posting, he decided he wants nothing to do with them right now (since he is cleaning up after them). Oh well, he'll get over it :) He has to!

  7. Yay, more kitties.... ;p
    I swaer cats do it just because they can.

  8. That is full of awesome!


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