Another sad story

Here is what Phantasmagoria at the now defunct Bells Amusement Park in Tulsa Oklahoma looks like. It was closed in 2006 by the county for past due rent. The park had been owned and operated by the Bell family for more than 50 years.

The bottom photo is of the facade in its heyday, hard to imagine it is the same place. Check out this blog for detailed information on the history of this ride. (photos courtesy of the Secret Fun Blog.)


  1. ah those were the days.... I speak for many when I say... it is missed..

  2. That is the same building??? It looks like an abandoned mimi mart more than a ride. I wonder who wandered off with facade.

  3. I lived in Tulsa for my childhood and I rode this ride a lot as a kid. Towards the closing of the park there were many broken events and instead of fixing them, they just kept the lights off in the broken rooms. So it was wait wait wait, ahhh! Wait wait wait, ahh! Wait wait wait, ride's over! But it was a pretty neat ride when I was young. Bells closing was very sad.


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