I really should

clean out my car more often. :)

I found a bag that has several items in it that I should have mailed in December to my winners. Which seems impossible since I swear I remember making like.....ten trips to the post office, in the pouring rain....in December, how did miss any!!!

funny pictures
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Anyway...yeah, it is almost February. So I apologize to both Micheal (My Two Yens Worth) and Jason (The Captain's Ramblings) - your Davis Graveyard energy drinks went out today, finally (with an extra bonus because I am such a loser)...priority mail. Please forgive me! :)

And, I will be sending out the long lost magical pumpkin seeds to Orange and Black also.....I really have no good excuse.....none....not really..........

I do not blame any of you if you never enter another of my drawings again......

But I am going to do some anyway :D

BTW - all of them were too nice to say anything to me...seriously people, just send me an email that says....."Oh, frog queen . . . . did you forget something? Where is our stuff!!?" :D


  1. Hahaha, sounds like something I would do. :)

  2. Ooooh Nooooo!! lol How nice that you "fessed up" though, and didn't blame it on getting lost in the mail!

    (and I love your spider addition to your header! Along with your disclaimer. :-))

  3. I just assumed you were as lazy as I am. I still owe a few prize winners some goodies from a few months ago. Tomorrow, I hope...

  4. You'd think some one would have said "psssstt...uhhhh, I uhhhh, I uhhhhh think maybe, I uuuuhhhh maaayyybeee won something, and uhhhh."

  5. LMAO at the picture!lol!!!! Oh that is really funny. No I'm not drunk...yet.

  6. I just found a parcel in my moving boxes that was for a blog-friend too. It happens!

    Love the pic!

  7. Yeah, I had pretty much given up on the seeds. I just assumed they had fallen into the great void of memory! At least that's usually what I blame my forgetfulness on. :)

    Nice to hear they're on the way. Maybe. ;)


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