I wish I would

have thought of this. I love wine and I love graveyards (real and pretend.)

Here is a gift from some of our wine tasting friends that go wine tasting in California several times a year. When they found this winery they knew they had to get us a bottle of the Tombstone Red....and a nifty wine stopper - even though they know we will never use the stopper....I mean once I open a bottle of wine, I am pretty committed to getting to the bottom of the bottle :D

Check out Graveyard Vineyards. Husband and I are going to have to make a trek down there some day!


  1. HAHAHAHA! Love this! Cutest cork ever! What a great idea. Have you tried any yet? How is it?

  2. This is brilliant! Forwarding your link to my brother who is a wine maker at a vineyard, and who loves Halloween!

  3. Awesome, I would love to have a bottle to go next to the one I have from Vampire vineyards.

  4. That is the best wine stopper I have ever seen! And the wine looks intriguing too :D

  5. Very clever, but still doesnt hold a flame to the Davis Graveyard soda!


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