Besides the main video

that we submit to the Haunters Video and Haunt Form DVD collections, we also create a kind of "thank you" gift video collection, a recap of the year. This year husband has been working very hard not only on a video project for my work (thank you, thank you, hubby) but creating all the video shorts for the Davis Graveyard 2009 DVD.

This year, despite a complete (planned) absence of TV footage, the DVD has more videos than ever. Whenever I think that we did not do much in the previous year, I just have to go through the "Halloween 2009" (whichever year we are working on) and just browse through the picture and videos.

The 2009 video (when it is done) will include

  • Official 2009 Davis Graveyard video ( a direct and quite shameless rip off of the original Frankenstein movie promo)
  • Building the spider (seriously creeping out the frog queen)
  • Recycling an angel (out with the old and in with the French)
  • Creating a new angel (does anyone remeber what version we are on?)
  • Tombstone and mud man classes (our mission to discourage store bought Portland area house at a time)
  • HAuNTcon 2008, including our Bad Boys Scenic Design class!!! (Probably should have asked Mike before I put this on the DVD, well, if he stops talking to me....I know why)
  • Frightfest Northwest (minus me falling on my face)
  • Our first wedding (going to the graveyard, and we're gonna get married)
  • Davis Graveyard Party (first time we have had official documentation of the is usually a camera free zone :D )
  • Special video done by one of our Milwaukie High School students as her senior project - very fun experience to be a part of :)
    And several others.....that I cannot remember at the moment.
  • Oh, and the Easter Egg this year is a photo collage of my skeleton/scarecrow garden folly (which will be a permanent fixture in my garden.)

I need to create the cover art before Husband finishes the DVD......gotta quit playing Plants vs. Zombies!! :D

We usually hand these out to our crew when we have the official "Watch the Haunters Video DVD Party" at our house....Paul is still finishing up the videos.....thank goodness, it is giving us more time to work on our video. Thanks Paul :D

When we are done we will add them to the Davis Graveyard store (with all the previous years DVDs), and we will try to load as many of them on YouTube as we can (so you don't have to buy the DVD) - some do get kicked out for the background song, but we will do our best.

I will give away one here on the blog as soon as they are available.


  1. cool! looking forward to seeing it!

  2. I can't wait either! Step AWAY from the Plants vs Zombies and GET TO WORK! hahahaha!


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