If you want to get married

in the graveyard on Halloween, the soonest we can get you in is now 2012! Can you believe this? We are booked for this Halloween and now we just got a wedding request for 2011?

I am starting to feel a bit like a circus or amusement park.....I mean that in a good way :D


  1. LOL! I had no idea it was legal to get married in a graveyard. Yours or anyone else's.

  2. I would totally go for that!
    Too bad I didn't think of it before.

  3. Woah! I had better book 2017 NOW, just in case Jayson and I get divorced, and I want to get married again!!! Hahaha, if you're reading this Jaybo - I'm just kidding. :P

    Congrats on booking up so many years in advance!!!

  4. LOL! Dawn and Jaybo....you guys crack me up!


  5. That is really neat! If I ever lost my mind and wanted a husband, I'd call you!

  6. I always wanted to get married in a graveyard. :) Maybe I should get married at yours!


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