This is the enterance

to Inchbuie (a cemetery on an island in the river) in Killin Scotland. It is the burial ground/cemetery for the McNab clan.

You have to have permission to get in, which involved getting a key from the visitors center that has been closed every time I have been there. Likely something about the off season (we usually travel in November.)

Here is frog queen fancying her self a clever photographer. I thought it looked cool!

And I am, just in case some of you thought I was in fact a picture of a Frog on a Pumpkin :)

This is one of the only pictures that I can find on the web for this cemetery. Now I really want to visit. Not sure if we are planning to head to Loch Tay on this visit, but if we can I am going to see if I can arrange to get in.

I researched it a bit and it seems that the key and time limit - you only have 30 minutes to return the key, are partly to keep you from causing much harm and that there are ruins to a castle, old kirk an mausoleum that are in bad shape and very dangerous. If you do not return in 30 minutes...they go looking for you.

I imagine that is why in the rainy season they do not let you on the property, more chance of unstable ground causing the walls to collapse. As much as I want to see this....I also want to live to see more. So if anyone travels there in the spring summer.....please take pictures!!!!


  1. Looks incredible!
    So many places to visit, and so little time (or money).

  2. oh, I'd love to explore this one, too! (oh, and I was almost convinced that, yes indeed, you were a frog on a pumpkin! lol)

  3. I always love coming here to see what you have found and I am never disappointed. My silly computer has been getting sooo slow I have a hard time loading anything, I just did my Norton thingy and am having some luck and thought I'd run over here for a visit. Also, great picture of yourself your warmth shines even from a photo!

  4. Very cool! I'm glad that someone will come and look for you anyway...

    Great hair! I always wanted to be a redhead.

  5. Beautiful - even in November!
    And yes, that pic is cool! :0)


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