Wanna see something

real scary?

Seriously, that is wrong on so many levels!! Excuse me, I suddenly feel very, very ill! :D


  1. Darth's little sister or did he get in touch with his softer side?

    Either way, wroooooooooong!

  2. First I read your stress story, and now this. .you're going to turn me into a heavy drinker yet! lol Eeeeuuuuwwww!!!

  3. I don't think I do "wanna see something"...(giggle)...be strong, young jedi!

  4. Oh man, thats something even *I* consider totally wrong!! Hahaha

  5. Ok....come on you guys... YOU DONT KNOW????

    That is Darth's Twin Brother...

    Havent any of you seen Zorro, the Gay Blade?

    This is Darth Gaydar- the gay saber!!

    OMG!!! Now you know!

  6. It's so pink, so Hello Kitty-ish, so evil...I want that costume!!!


  7. Darth Kitty?!? I sense a disturbance in the Force!

  8. I saw that picture a few years ago, I thought for sure I'd posted it on my blog, but I just searched through my entries. Nowhere to be found. I must have just linked to it.
    It sure is a sweet pic.

  9. I have long suspected Hello Kitty's association with the dark side of the force.

  10. That's just wrong! Is this the Easter version?

  11. I just had the urge to post a spide pic in response to that.:P

  12. I actually kind of love this. It's a really well done costume, too. Like this person is serious about his/her Vader love, but also pretty serious about the Hello Kitty love too. It's a great combo you don't see often enough. :)

  13. Oh yeah! - I am so wearing that this year... Maybe I can get Toph to be a chartruese Stormtrooper

  14. Daniel - you would definately win scariest costume!!! :D

    Thanks everyone....I am not a big Hello Kitty fan and you all know that I prefer black and gray over pink :)

    I do have to admire the dedication that went into that piece, no matter my personal preferene :)

    And...to me, it is still scary!


  15. Oh my... looks like Hello Kitty have done it again. There is no doubt this little cat is evil and that it longs for world domination.


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