I expect a lot of

disagreeing here, (and remember I do love all my followers)...but with all the vampire "camp" nonsense going on these days.....I go on record to say that these are the Draculas that rule in the Frog Queen's realm :D

There are several others that I really like....but when I shake it all down....it really comes down to these two. I guess I am a classics kinda girl.

I know you have objections (I can hear you from here)....but I currently hold the crown (literally it is here at my desk, next to my sceptre) in the realm so I make the rules :D

So which Dracula rules in your realm?


  1. Chris Lee is always the best Dracula for me.

  2. I am soooo with you on this one! Young Bela in the middle photo here is absolutely smoldering.

  3. K0dama - you are right....nice shot. And I think those other pictures might be scarier than the Dracula ones :D


  4. Hey, what about George Hamilton! Ha Ha

  5. Bella Lugosi is the king of the vampires (but i do have to say i really liked Dominic Purcell's dracula in Blade: Trinity!) :)


  6. Right on!
    I think people think vampire, think Dracula, and think Lugosi, in that order, pretty automatically -- in the same way that Karloff IS the Monster, Lugosi simply IS Dracula in the popular culture -- the association was complete and locked very long ago. Better actors have played the Count (Lee being, in my view, the very best of them) but just in the pop mindset, I think Lugosi's the Big Name. They BOTH, however, are the unquestioned KINGS of the role.

  7. Hey, at least you aren't mooning over teenage vampires. I never understood why a grown woman would want to be with a teenager. You chose the classics. That shows you have taste.

  8. I love the classics, but my heart lies with the eroticism of vampires. As such, the sexies win in my book. The ones who took the sexual aspect of the role and ran with it on another level.

    Frank Langela, Gary Oldman.

  9. I gotta go with the majority here, and say Legosi....

  10. Lugosi and Lee - two different takes on the character..... But I would have to go with Lee. There, I said it! lol

  11. I just have to show some love for Nosferatu. He wasn't featured here, but come on! He's no classic format, but he's just creepy like that.

  12. I have to agree with you....Lee & Lugosi for sure. But John Carridine and Frank Langella are also note-worthy.

    Happy Haunting!

  13. I will never be able to break Lugosi away from being my definitive Dracula, but in recent years I have come to love Lee's beastial Count!


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