Okay, I have either one or three

more boring blog posts about our vacation to the UK.

I know that I have bored you all to tears with my silly vacation follies....so now I am going to let you take control of the content of this blog.

....or the first and LAST time......

...we discovered Castle Combe and Lacock.........the where B-R-l-I-L-L-A-N-T-!  

Since my St. Just pictures failed....could be the crappy photographer.......I think I might bore you with photographs rather than a slide show.....for those that skippped it.......your loss :D

So....do you want one post of all the pictures from the day.....

.......or do you (Neil Gaiman) Stardust fans want me to break it into two differnet blog posts?

BTW.....I have the best and most UK story to tell you about Lacock and them filming Harry Potter....if the those of you that follow this blog from the UK know the stories...can you just duck out for a bit....I want to tell it :D

Let me know.

One long post?  Or three creative "frog queen" posts?  I promise to be at the top of my game on these!!


Ha....like you have a choice!!!!!

Back to something important....ME!!!

Okay - I lied.  I took pictures of the cemetery in Lacock's....not on the tour...in fact, almost missed the bus back....that is getting blog post if you like it or not!!


You really need to come with the Frog Queen on her next tour....really, I have such sights to show you.

(Clive Barker rip off I know....but I am a fan...so forgive me!!)


  1. Clive Barker and Neil Gaiman fan.Take your liberties, lady. I will read.

  2. Hahha well, I'd love to read all about it!! I mean ALL of it:))) Harry Potter sounds interesting, looking forward to that... Mmm and not/allmost not catching the bus, sounds like something I could have done..;) Reminds me of the time I missed my train back to Belgium from Paris, cuz I was stuck in the Eiffel tower.. Like Repunzel, just without the hair. No need to say my family was less than happy with me.

  3. Stretch them out! I look forward to a new installment every time!

  4. I love your photos. It makes the U.K. look better than it is. LOL!

  5. I vote for 3 posts because I don't find your travel posts boring at all. More! More! And I'm especially looking forward to your pix of Lacock and Lacock Abbey because that is precisely where my camera crapped out so I didn't get any photos while I was there. Plus I forgot my battery recharger so no more pix of England for me at all. And this was only Day 2 of our tour. Bummer. But My Rare One took a gazillion photos with her camera so thank goodness she remembered her recharger.


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