Davis Graveyard takes over Hauntcon

Well, it is official.....we are invading Hauntcon!  Yes, this time we are taking the fantastically talented crew with us so we can show them how we do it Davis Graveyard style.

You will get to meet the Frog Queen (Chris), husband (Jeff), Dan, Elyssa, Toph and Dawn.  If we are not in a class, you will likely find us in the bar :D

We are starting by heading up the Make and Take section of the event.  Cross fingers it all goes well.  And with that we are teaching two classes:

#1 Davis Graveyard Tombstone Class ($25)

#2 Making a stack of books with a skull and candle prop (made from foam) ($20)

Both those classes have a materials charge

Then we are teaching a foam texturing seminar.  We are going to go over some of the many techniques we have learned (thanks to Bad Boys Scenic Design) that we used to make over the Nightmare Factory for Extreme Home Makeover.

That  demonstration seminar is free (included in the show cost)

Then on Monday we are teaching an all day class- if anyone signs up for it :D  We are going to make a starter graveyard, based on many of the props we have in our display.  The plan so far is: (the descriptions link to pictures of the individual props from our display.)

Dozen tombstones
Sleeping Beauty style tomb (same top, larger full size above ground tomb)
Nevermore monument
Farewell monument
Houdini monument
Faux wood coffin (cat not included)
Book with skulls and light

Deocrative treatments (moss and webs)
We will also show you how we use mini spotlights to light the cemetery

(That is the plan so far)  We are going to make this all in one day.  You can watch us make the props and ask us questions about how we make them and the tools we use.

The best part?  We will have a raffle at the end of the day and one lucky winner will go home with the whole lot....props, lights and all.  You could potentially get a Davis Graveyard for $150!!!  Seriously, that is one amazing deal :)

We hope to see you there.  If you fellow bloggers can help me get the word out that we are at Hauntcon and help us get support for our classes I would be forever in your debt. :)

Be sure to check the Hauntcon page to see all the other cool classes and seminars.


  1. C'mon, California Lottery!

    Seriously, I wish I could be there with you, even though I couldn't ship a sleeping Beauty back home! :o)

    And tossing back a nice glass if chianti with you guys would be great. Have fun!

  2. I so wish I could be there for this!! Hope you have a full class and fun!

  3. WOW! your going to need another vacation!!!! don't get over tired!!!

  4. Another awesome event....
    Have yourself a blast!


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