This morning we checked our viewing number on the Home Haunters Association site we were stunned to find the views at 1,249.....they were 745 two days ago.

Thanks everyone for viewing....we are holding on to third, possibly second place. :) Not bad.

I have viewed all the entries and have to say as always I am impressed and inspired by other haunters. This has been a fun experience.

I have to put out a special thanks to my friend Pumpkinrot (and My Two Yen Worth) for posting links on their blogs and encouraging others to vote for us. The frog queen is touched and honored and cannot thank you enough. I am sure that is the reason we jumped so high so fast. The frog queen has great friends.

We still have a few days to go!! Please take a look at the Davis Graveyard submission....and tell everyone you know to do the same, we need about 400 more votes and please remember to rate it 5 stars - rating is very important, if we can get back to a 5 star rating, that will make a huge difference!!! We appreciate your help and support.

Here are the top three haunts
Current first place (Demented Dungeon)

Current second place (Happy Holiday Home)

Current third place (Davis Graveyard)

There are lots of other great haunts too. Check them out when you get a chance.



  1. I wish I was aware of this in time to cast a vote! I seem to exist in a vacuum sometimes :(


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