You are going to have to

indulge the frog queen as she posts a message to husband on our anniversary :)

Thanks honey for more than putting up with my Halloween obsession, but actually turning out to be as obsessed as I am. I guess we were meant for each other.

Here is to another 26 years together! :)


  1. Congratulations! May you share many more Halloweens.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. the Frog Queen!!

  3. Wow, 26 years and he's as obsessed as you with Halloween? That is a rare couple. Congratulations! Hope you guys have a wonderful celebration!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I hope I see 26 years married... that is no small feat. The couple that builds graves together stays together.

  5. Aw, congratulations!! We should all be so lucky.

  6. Happy Anniversary, Davises!

    May you have many, many, many more haunts together!

  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you crazy kids!! You easily got another 26 more graveyard filled years to come =D

  8. Happy Anniversary, beautiful people!

  9. Happy Anniversary!! Here's to another 26 years. :)

  10. Happy Anniversary!!
    I hope you two have another Spooktacular 26 years+ together!!

  11. kids were meant for each other indeed, and the rest of us are glad you found that out and share your passions with the world at large. Hope you both had a spooktacularly special Anniversary! :o)


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