
Whoo, whoo, whoo!

Sent me this really cute owl?

While the absolutely fabulous Ghoul Friday!!!

I ordered a copy of her Brains Vs. Coffee book for myself and a couple as give aways at the Halloween party (she even signed them!!!).....and she put in a little something extra!

I think there is some burlap involved ;)

Anyway, it like many of my lovely Halloween items is remarkably cat toy shaped. Actually, there is very little that does not become a cat toy at some point if it resides in my house. When I went to take his picture....I found him behind my monitors....so likely he has already seen some battle. Poor guy...I wonder if she warned him where he was going? :D

So, because of the high probability of further damage....I am putting it up and out of the way. He is sitting on a picture frame in my "cat hall" where the little fuzzy demons cannot see him.

He is currently sitting on the frame of the lovely cat print I got from Chris over at SpookyCK...I think he likes that vantage point. He can keep an eye on the suspicious looking cat in the picture above him.

I could let him know it is just a picture....but he seems pretty content to be starring all day!

Thanks so much Ghoul Friday! Your work is amazing and I am more than pleased to have a piece of my own.


  1. LOL you have to love the kittys! Mine takes what he wants, and put it under the furnature! sometime years will go by, and I move the furnature.... and surprise! LOL

  2. Is that...cat hair stuck to his eyeball? Or did he suffer some trauma in transport to your house?

    If he's broken, it saddens me. If it's cat hair, it makes me rub my eyes and want to scream "GET IT OFF! For the love of god, GET...IT...OFF his eye".


    I'm allergic to kitties, so being around them makes me feel like I have their fur in my eye. Seeing it ACTUALLY happen, even to an inanimate object, gives me the heebie-jeebies! ;)

  3. GF - LOL! Man, that camera gets great detail :)

    So sorry, It arrived safely....I am sure it is cat fur...everything in my house has cat fur on it.

    I hear you about the heebie- jeebies! I used to be very allergic to cats....now I just cannot have them touch my face....I swell up like a balloon, so cat fur in the eye, very bad.

    I will clean him up as soon as I get home! :)

  4. Cute little owl. I need one here on the bookshelves.


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