If that sweet farm house

was not enough to entice you to move to lovely Milwuakie, Oregon :) How about these pictures....this is from the front lawn of the city hall on Halloween. :)

Look familiar? Yeah, we had a tombstone making party at the Davis Graveyard a few weeks before Halloween with the local art committee. (Special thanks to Dan for carving the difficult tombstone with both the City and ArtMOB logos on it.)

Husband is chair of the art committee and they thought it would be fun to make tombstones to decorate downtown for their Halloween celebration, it is one step in our plan to bring more Halloween festivities to our city. Next year we are going to attempt to work with our local farmers market to have a scarecrow competition (thanks Pumpkinrot for the info) the week before Halloween.

Husband and I have also talked about doing a kids craft party and possibly real/fake pumpkin carving/decorating at the Graveyard or city hall working with a local pumpkin grower and the local craft store. I have many other ideas....but when I start talking like that husband's eyes roll into the back of his head :D

Cause, I don't have enough to do in October :) Actually I am just working on coordinating the project....I will find victims, oops, I mean volunteers to help me make all this happen.

Back to the tombstones, here is one for the new Mayor :) There was talk about making one for all the city council members, but we were not sure that would send the right message :D


  1. Those look great!

    Yeah I think the city council members would have gotten a little spooked. That being said, I really wish you would have made one for each of them. =)

  2. It's so awesome that you're getting the community involved with Halloween celebrations =)

    Sounds like you have a lot of great ideas for more activities!

    I wonder how hard it would be to convince my hubby that we need to move? >=)

  3. All my town hall has in front of it are signs stating "NO CARLS ALLOWED"


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