Thanks everyone

I want to thank all of you for voting, I really appreciate your help in winning the Home Haunters Association Yard Haunt of the Year, could not have done it without you.

That was fun, but I am never doing that again :D

Anyway, I want to send a special thanks to to the bloggers that posted on their blogs or forums to help us get more votes. If you are not no this list, and you did, sorry I missed you, email me at and I will be happy to add you to the thank yous :)


House Bloodthorn
ShellHawk's Nest
The Captian
Darkrose Manor
My Two Yen Worth

And thanks to all the other haunters that participated in the contest. There are a lot of great haunts out there and it is always a treat to see the ideas of other haunters!

Remember to submit your videos to Propmaster to be part of the Haunters Video DVD collection for 2009 and be entered in the Haunters Video Awards!


  1. You welcome and congratulations again :) I thanked everyone who voted for you over at the Zombie Pumpkins forums.

  2. Captain - thanks so much for doing that - you guys rock!


  3. Congrats on winning the contest!


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