Help me! Help me!

I am not a big fan of voting by committee thing for awards....but we are going to try this again.

Help the Davis Graveyard win the Home Haunters Association award for Yard Haunt of the year. I know it is a tough decision, there are some great haunts out there.....but in your heart you know you will make the right choice :D And vote five stars :D

Go to our YouTube video and watch it, all the way through, so it counts as a view and then rate it and leave glowing comments!!! :D ....that is just beginning.....please get every person you know to do the same thing!!!! I think the highest rated video is not at 1,300 views, we only have 60....we have a long way to go.

2009 Home Haunters Association Video

After you see that, and you become, that is not the official Davis Graveyard video...we just put that together to meet the deadline last night. We have all of December to edit and bicker :) over the "official" video for the Haunters Video DVDs that Propmaster does.

More to follow.

PLEASE help us not come in last!!! :D

Thank everyone!


  1. Done and done. Good luck and fantastic job this year... as always!

    Finishing up my video for this year. Once that's done I'll be submitting it so I can take over the last place spot. Haha!

  2. Watch video all the way through. done
    Rate. done
    Glowing comments. tried, LOL.

    Have to say, I had to watch it twice - the first time I apparently ZONED out being scared, inspired, and freaked out by the voices and had to watch it a second time to study each picture, LOL.

    LOVE the voices! :)

  3. Have commented, watched and rated. Good luck!

  4. "Veni, vidi, vincit!" I came, I saw, it conquers. Best of luck!

  5. We did the same thing, having never edited (or taken) video before, we rushed and rushed to get it done in time with only 15 minutes to spare. The result.... eh. Oh well...

    Good Luck to you guys!!! You deserve to win!!

    We'll settle for 2nd or 3rd, LOL. ;)

  6. Darkrose - you video looks amazing! We rated you five stars too!! :)

    Good luck to all the contestants...everyone does a great job. I am always inspired by the enthusiasum of other haunters!!!

    Love your soundtrack BTW! :D We used whispering and soft singing instead of music in the sound system this year for the haunt instead of music. Lots of people noticed and thought it was creepy. Very cool!


  7. Im pretty sure I have a youtube account.. Count me in!

  8. Done & good luck!!!

    SpOOky video & backing music!!!

    SpOOky CK (-:


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