My heart (soul) and what ever other part

will help her, goes out to my friend Pam at the East Coast Haunters Convetion this weekend. Myself as well as many of us involved with the haunt community events understand and appreciate what you and everyone else does to make an event like this happen.

I hope Hauntcast and GOE have a great showing!! I really wish we could be there :(

My top hat is off to you my friends!!!

Happy thoughts going your way. Happy Halloween everyone! Can you feel it in the air? It is getting so close you can taste it! It tastes like happiness covered in dark chocolate....yum!


Looking forward to building props all weekend long!! And listen to the latest Hauntcast while you are at I have to tell you people everything LOLOLO!!! :D


  1. Hi Chris! Thanks again for your purchase from me & don't forget "Frog Prince" ends on eBay auction on Sunday 8/2 @ 12 noon EST.

    Have a great weekend!

    SpOOky Hugs,
    Chris (-:

  2. I'll guess you like scary!! Hauntfest...who knew!

    Thanks for popping by!

  3. Have you ever taken the haunted version of the Shanghi Tunnel tours? It's interesting.

  4. Funny as it may seem. Done loads of ghost tours in the UK. But nothing here. I would love to go. Are you offering to be my guide? :)


  5. Welcome as a follower!

    We just found a venue to hold our Halloween event. I'd love to borrow a corpse or two, but it might be a little expensive to ship them to Japan. (Besides, Customs would have a coniption!)

  6. Popping in 2 say hello and wish you a great week!

    SpOOky CK (-:



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