Oh, shiny!

I got a holiday gift from my friend Pam of the East Coast Haunters Club. She made me this very cool Halloween themed bracelet. It is made with a whole lot of safety pins and beads. It has all kinds of Halloween baubles on it...some of them even glow in the dark!!! How cool is that!

Thanks Pam, you are the best!! (when she is not busy making the frog queen lovely jewelry, she is the main contact for Team Halloween - very cool lady!)

I love it! Especially the little pumpkin. I just love pumpkins!

Thanks Pam!


  1. Made samples, kits, and photographed assembly instructions for this kind for bracelet. It was gong to be a how to on the blog and kit if you wanted all the components. Got so busy its going to have to be a next year project.

  2. Very cool, you mean I could make something like this??! No way! :D



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