A word from


Dorie here, I would like to make a plea to cat owners everywhere to purchase a ceramic pumpkin from the lovely ShellHawk, known to us cats here a the Davis House as Santa.

Let me start by saying your Halloween decor is not complete without one, trust me, you want to get one now before she is famous and all you can afford to do is view them at her gallery in LA, cause now they are thousands of dollars.....frineds, don't make that mistake.

And there is the not to be overlooked fact that the she ships them with little goodies in them....most importantly, my (and I am going to speak for the rest of the cats in the house, our) favorite, plastic spiders!

It is a win-win situation....you get a nifty pumpkin......your cats get a plastic spider for hours of...wait, I am a cat, lets rephrase that, minutes of fun before I (we) lose interest or lose it under the refrigerator.

What are you waiting for....if you are not doing it for yourself. Do it for your cat.

Got to go, I am bored. I am off to go see if I can get that one pumpkin out from under that glass dome thing mom hid it under. :)


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