I was going to say

Oooh, shinny! But it is actually more glittery and sparkly. (I have the glitter all over the house to prove it!)

Anyway, here it is the Home Haunters Association First Place Home Haunt of the Year Award!

Ooooohhhh.....no, you can't touch it, back away, mine! :D (Sorry frog queen is feeling silly today.)

Thanks to all of you that helped us win this! Could not have done it without the help of the blog community - thanks! :)

Wow, I am a bad person....because you know, right now.....what I want to do is......(deep breath)....take this picture and email to to that Kate person at Willamette Week :D LOL!


  1. Well deserved award, congratulations! This will really piss Kate off.

  2. Oh that's neat looking, congrats!

  3. Ohhhh, pretty, and glittery!!! Nice trophy!!!

  4. See? You are even a better person than I am when you are planning vengeance!

    You were thinking about sending a picture of it to her, I was thinking about shoving it wher.... ah, never mind.


  5. Better yet we buy a fair size ad space in WW and place the pic with a header Davis Graveyard Takes First for HHA! Then her readers will know she is full of blarney...

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "you go, girl!" congratulations!

  7. Cool Award Chris! That's going to be really fun to show on display!

  8. Omedetou Gozaimasu!
    I agree with both Dawn & Dawnabelle's suggestions.

  9. I am very happy for you! Congrats! Success is the best revenge!

  10. Congratulations! And much-deserved :)

  11. My interview with you is now up:


  12. Couldn't happen to a kinder, kookier haunter! Congratulations!

  13. Oh! I am so glad that Rue pointed her readers to your blog :D We also have a bit of a Frog thing at our home (my eldest's doings) and well, who doesn't just simply adore Halloween?!

  14. That's one good lookin' guy sittin' on that table of yours, I am sooo jealous! Congratulations, and well done. (and thanks for the encouragement)

  15. That beats the hell out of anything they give out at the Oscars! Well deserved win and congrats!



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