While I am cleaning

out the basement, I thought I would finally get my act together and do something about all the lovely awards you nice people have sent my way......so, one Picasa web album creation and small change to the blog and we have a way to display the awards.

You will see them on the left....thanks to all of you for the awards. I really appreciate it, and all your great blogs.

That being said, we are back to the frog queen shilling for another of my favorite blogs Enter the Main Cave. What more can I say.....great guy, great blog and extremely supportive of other bloggers. Check it out, you will love it. Thanks to my friend Geoff for giving me my latest award.

Best Blogger Comments Award

Thanks man, I love commenting on your blog! Thanks for the support.

I am supposed to nominate other bloggers......and I thought about it for long time last night and I am still not sure what to do. It brought to mind an interview I read from a performer I like and she said "the reason she does not "name names" was that another person she respected when asked about influence etc, listed off "just about every other female artists from that time" except me....I was devastated." Ouch, that had to hurt!

I don't want to hurt any one's feelings by not nominating them for this award, if you are reading this blog, you are cool people and deserve lots of awards as far as the frog queen is concerned :)

Give me a day or so to think this list thingy and I will post something soon.

And, in light of this award, let me just say "thanks" to all of you that post comments, they are always appreciated :)


  1. A very, very well deserved award for you! Congrats!

  2. Youre going to get hit with that one again later today when I get around to posting =D Frog Queen = the commentingest blogger alive!

  3. Hi! Congrats on your awards! I may have to steal (um..borrow) your awards show idea! Brilliant! Come by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway if you get time!


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