
Showing posts from July, 2008

You know who I hate more than John Tesh?

Actually many of you are going - what, that frickin' list is endless!!! Where do we start? You are going to have to wait until (hopefully) tomorrow, and I am reaching to my flower painted toes for this one. :)

This one calls to me

As a vegetarian......this one speaks to my soul - the soul that wants a cheeseburger!!! With bacon and extra cheese!!!! more cat pictures Huh, what, vegetarian cheesebuger, you mean back to tofu? Really? Okay, but I dream of ........

Went totaly white trash

..and I wasn't even drinking when I decided to let Tina, my fabulously sweet manicurist, paint flowers on my toe nails. Yeah, I did. And she was more surprised than I. If it is any consultation , they are painted black.....with white flowers - I know, yeah, it looks as bad as it sounds. How could I let this happen you ask? I made the mistake of telling her that I was going to a wedding, but I still wanted black polish to match my dress. They know me, I think they keep black polish in stock for me, because that is the only color I have painted my either of my nails. She convinced me that flowers would be a nice festive touch, which I needed since I was wearing black to a wedding. (gasp!) Well, it was a spectacle , everyone in the shop had to come see her actually paint something other than black polish on my toes (I did do pink once, first and last time.) They applauded , it was quite touching actually. That is until you look at them. Not only did she put a flower with rhinestones...

You aren't using it anyway...

I am not talking about your brain, although if you are reading this blog, you are definately not using your brain. But did you know boys and girls, that you could get money for your soul? (evil grin) - like I can do anything else. Join me my could be fun.

Ode to lawn ornaments

~~~~~~~~A break (big) from reality~~~~~~~~~~~~ I recently got a most excellent lawn ornament from a Halloween friend, she calls them Skel -o- ingos . A must have for any Goth/Halloween/sense of humor gardener. In my naivety , I thought that they were just a the product of forgetting to feed your lawn ornaments while on vacation. But earlier today I learned their true origin. It appears that a race of metal creatures, called "Gnome Bgones " did the noble work of ridding the world of garden gnomes. As an avid gardner , I believe it is truly an under appreciated service. Here is a rare photo of them at work. As their numbers dwindled, the gnomes of France fought back and pulled their money together to finance the movie Amélie . This proved to be a huge setback for the Gnome Bgones . The world was now flooded with tourists lugging around gnomes on their vacation. All seemed lost. Kowing that gnomes were less popular in the US, the Gnome Bgones tried to break into Hollywood ...

No end in sight

Yes, I am still obsessed :) more cat pictures

I thought I knew scary

Because I: I decorate for Halloween. Been in a graveyard in the middle of nowhere at midnight Sat through a lecture on " orbs " in photographs* Been to Greyfriar's Kirkyard to visit Mackenzie's tomb several times - considered by some to be the most haunted place in the world. (I didn't see/feel anything poltergeisty .) Read HP Lovecraft every chance I get Clive Barker is my favorite author Watched many scary movies** Visited many (alleged ) haunted places Watched a lot of horror films*** I went to Catholic school Taken many " ghost tours " in the UK I watched the first season of LOST**** Walked from the train station to The Mean Fiddler to see Fish outside of London, which I happen to find not even the locals will do, very dodgy neighborhood. Lived in Hemet , California***** Went to Paris without speaking French But this, my friends, is the scariest thing I have ever seen. John Tesh with that hair, there is nothing more horrifying just imagine th...