that is exactly how husband and I felt sitting on the couch Christmas morning after we opened up the present from my brother Tony (you remember him, that cool guy that donated the resin skulls- you know, the cool ones from Disneyland!), his lovely bride Tina and our new friend Mike.
We met Mike over a year ago at our local "haunt" (bar) when we here having dinner. He drew a cartoon picture of us and we started talking. We told him what we did and he was immediately interested in helping! Long story short, he helped this year with many of the projects for the graveyard (made the angel/skeleton wings - that prop would have never happened without his inspirational spark :) and helped with many other projects.)
So for Christmas he and my brother worked out a plan to get this astounding picture that Mike created for Jeff and I printed on canvas.
We were stunned.
When you enlarge the picture (and you should) you will see all kinds of details:
Hal (Halloween Cat) is sitting on my broom (a Nimbus 2000 no less!)
frogs on the pumpkin and on my hat
our mausoleum
grave keeper
the monks
the house
the angel
the fence
the can of black and white paint (the graveyard's signature colors)
the tombstones
I believe the 26 on the fence is for the years we have been married
Jeff has several references to the Universal Monsters (his/our favorite- as you would know from his mask collection that we display each Halloween) in his picture
Mike nicely made my body shape much smaller that it is! :D Woohoo!!! Check out the frog queen's rack! (pictures in the mirror are smaller(and closer!) than they appear! :D )
Thanks Mike, Tony and Tina...I love you guys!! :D
It is so cool! That is one of the best gifts ever!!! We feel very honored. (We are not worthy!!) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Best Christmas present ever! :D