For us cat owners

This is the fear we live with daily from the moment we foolishly put up our holiday tree thinking....maybe this year the cats will leave it alone :D

moar funny pictures

I think my cats start planning the day after they have eaten all the valentines day candy - the poor tree doesn't stand a chance! :)


  1. we have to keep our tree on top of a table shoved into the corner. our cat is old but loves taking out the xmas tree. photographic evidence of her doing the deed would be necessary maybe for her to learn her lesson.

  2. LoL! I'm foolish to think my dogs will ever leave any Christmas tree I bring into the house alone. It's been in my house less than 5 days and I have had my one dog trying to mark it from long range (ugh!) and my older one trying to drink the tree water dry. Oh and then there was the incident with a loose branch that got ripped off my tree thus starting a battle royale for the scrap piece. Animals and Christmas trees crack me up.

  3. This is why i have an old dog and fake tree. :)

  4. Hubby wanted to do a fake tree this year. Told him it wouldn't be a good idea. Our cats like to chew on/eat that fake garland crap like it's crack and that leads to lots of lovely presents around the house. First time I've had a fake tree in 15 years. Most they ever did to a real tree was drink the water from the basin & play with the ornaments at the bottom if there were any. This fake tree is like one big chew toy for them!

  5. My cat usually ignores the tree. Until this year! He's taken to chewing on the branches as well as the tree lights cord. I expect to die in a shower of sparks and flame any night now.

  6. We have three cats and a german shepherd. Two of our cats liked to attack the Christmas tree. Our dog would observe us scolding the cats when they would get into the tree. He's learned that the cats shouldn't be around the Christmas tree so he "guards" more cat problems. :)

  7. Mine have been disturbingly quiet around the tree....I'm waiting for the attack...

  8. well, I have quite a collection of old ornaments, etc., and put up 3+ trees (plus a halloween tree). I have 4 cats and 2 dogs...just let your imagination wander...2 cats like to climb up the middle of the tree; one likes to chew the lights; one likes to bury his toys in the tree skirt; one of the dogs and the cat play chase with the final hiding place under one of the trees...(yeah, just slide on under that tree, baby!)at any rate, I've only lost 3 ornaments so far this year--this is good. (the halloween tree is off limits)

  9. Small tree on a high shelf, so far so good. But she does have a look in her eyes very similar to the cat in the photo, oh my!


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