Secret Santa, or at least

a frog in a Santa suit as you can see on my masthead :D

For "Secret Santa Can Suck it" over at at Shadow Manor the frog queen, in her nifty Santa hat, gets to be Santa for....Dixie!!! Yeah! (We love Dixie, oh, and Jaybo....they might have to share :)

So I thought I would with a small stocking stuffer. She has great taste in bath product so here is a gift basket set from Bath & Body Works of the "Eucalyptus stress kit". We could all use a bit less stress around the holidays!

Then something all us haunters need. A lifetime supply of black and gray house paint.

And who would not want the Davis Graveyard church facade. Yes, it is all yours, I will even throw in a few monks. :D

From the frog queen, Happy Holidays Dixie!

Want to know what the frog queen got? Check out Tomato Blight - she rocks!


  1. That is just the coolest thing I have ever seen!!! You know everything I like, and OOOOOOHHHH, to make cyberality (is that a word?) into reality and know that I could have a Davis-esque facade?!! Holy wow, I would fall over in my egg nog!

    Thank you, Froggy, that is just the greatest present ever!


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