Zombie Princesses?

This is one of the best pictures of Disney characters I have ever seen......I particularly like the skull on Pocahontas' belt and the bunny head in Alice's hand....and is that a bone from the dead body of the beast in Belle's hand? :D

Pure joy!


  1. Now that's more like it! I'm just a little sick of the saccharin-coated Disney Princess crap I'm seeing everywhere so Disney Zombie Princesses is a refreshing change!

  2. Almost certainly inspired by :
    Princess Art

    Brilliant stuff.

    See also: These days...

  3. LOL - this is so great - especially all of them together. It's quite an effect as a group!

  4. Awesome! Bet you'll never see these in Orlando.

  5. Sick, Sick, Sick! Thank you!
    (Nice link by antipaladin too!)


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