Cleaning house....I mean the graveyard

We are making some new props so we are going to sell some of our older props.

First is Comment Box Guy - he is from about 2006 - so this one is going to be hard to let go of.  But we are selling him for $300.  

The next one is what we call "Mud o' Vision".  He is a mud man with a TV screen in his head - based on the ghost of Christmas past from Scrooged.  He has a 17" monitor for a head and all of the electronics are hidden inside his chest.  He is selling for $400

We kept the two wall reliefs from the original church facade we sold a few years ago and put them together added some trim pieces and made a free standing prop out of it.  It is selling for $375

So if you have some extra cash lying around.....bring your check book by and take them home with you.


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