The colors of christmas

Are black and orange at my house. Just got the new ornamnts for my new black Christmas tree!

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  1. I have to say I am a traditionalist: it has to be green and red for me. And white of course.

  2. Yes! Do you have the black Christmas tree, too?

    Mr. ShellHawk is a poopy-head and won't let me have one. *pout*

  3. Too cool! May I suggest blood droplet icicles as well? And a skull at the top of the tree?

  4. I want a black Christmas tree! pout!

  5. I asked Santa for the pretty black and silver tinsel one at tar-jay. We shall see if I was naughty or nice.

    I've got a guess.

  6. Ooo, what color lights do you out on your black tree? A friend of mine posted hers on Facebook & she used blue LEDs. Stunning!

  7. I know a few other folks who do a Halloween themed Christmas tree. And it looks great too. Looking forward to seeing a photo when your done.

  8. Surely you will be posting a picture of the finished tree. Please. lol


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