What do your decorate your tree with?

Mine is decorated with a cat.  I guess it is Dor's cat toy.

Funny, it says "christmas tree" on the tag :D

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  1. Tree decorations gathered from all over the world (OK, essentially Europe and North America) on our various family and individual trips.

  2. This is why I have a rosemary topiary tree. No cat in tree, and he doesn't eat much of it. Thank God its not an asparagus tree, or he'd kill us all in glee. Bizarre cat cravings.

    I love your kitty's stripes, btw...

  3. I had an ornament like that last year except mine was gray. This year it is too big to hang on the limbs so it is clinging to the trunk.

  4. That has got to be one of the cutest ornaments I've ever seen!

    I just usually have a large orange, purring growth on my tree skirt.

    On the tree? I have everything from tiny Tim Horton's coffee pots to peacocks to monster trucks to stingrays wearing Santa hats to little ballerinas.

  5. No cats but we once had one take down the entire tree. It fell on me! Snowmen, gingerbread men & lots of stars and moons on our tree. Oh and magic mushrooms :)

  6. We have the same decorations... except ours has brown stripes.

  7. Cute! This is why I opted to not put a tree up this year! October can't handle it and he jumps all up in it and knocks it over every night at 3 a.m. He gets excited for Christmas. That, and he also likes chewing on the branches!

    Merry Cat-mas!

  8. I think I have the only two cats on the planet that are totally not interested in the Christmas tree. I have lots of cat and horse ornaments though plus a lot old crafty things my daughter made in school and I made in girls scouts. I love those tacky old ornaments made out of felt and construction paper.

  9. We have a cardboard tree... and two staring floor decorations.


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